Little Nemo in Slumberland revoles around the life of Nemo, a young boy whose dreams take over. In his dreams, Nemo travels to different lands and meets different people. Every night, he has different dreams and different experiences. Usually, the reader will come across bright and surreal lands, with surreal story lines. The comic takes the reader into the mind of the character, and often allows the readers to explore a dreamlike reality. It opens up the creativity and imagination of a young child, and how these experiences can affect him greatly.
Little Nemo in Slumberland allows me to take a step back into the imaginative world, and experience surreal memories again. McCay does an excellent job with color and text. I am impressed that although he did not color the comics, but he knew exactly how he wanted them to be perceived.
Little Nemo in Slumberland always ends with Nemo waking up disheveled in his bed with either him talking to himself, or his mother yelling at him. This ending always gets me because other characters can't understand Nemo. They always yell at him because he either yelling in his sleep, or he is unresponsive. Little do they know what's going on in his mind.
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